Harsh - Put Your Life on Hold for Television

Harsh LP

Harsh are a four piece garage-rock band from Southampton. This eponymous release, referred to as ‘The Pig Album’, is lo-fi and loose around the edges, which suits the Harsh sound down to the ground.

From the hooky chorus of ’14’ to the to the powerfull guitars of ‘Hookslade’ there is one defining factor that is consistent throughout – good songs. A list of tracks to highlight would resemble the list on the back of the CD case.

From a production perspective, the vocals could have been mixed a little higher, but that shouldn’t put anyone off of this record. This is a different kind of punk revival; one that avoids pop influence entirely.

Although it probably isn’t a substitute for their live performance, it isn’t very easy to get them round your house to play for you every time you want to hear ‘Bitch on a Bender’ or ‘Red Ensign’, this CD will certainly help Harsh addicts get over the DT’s that occur between gigs.

Written by Fenton on

Steve Fenton writes in our music, words, and culture categories. He was Editor in Chief for The Mag and covered live music for DV8 Magazine and Spill Magazine. He was often found in venues throughout the UK alongside ace-photographer, Mark Holloway. Steve is also a technical writer and programmer and writes gothic fiction. Steve studied Psychology at OSC, and Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-1978 at the University of Reading.

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