Independant Revolutions Demo
Cameron are a four piece Worcester-based rock band with dry-throated vocals, excellent drumming, and harsh guitars. They describe themselves as indie/punk/rock but the result of mixed directions is an edgy rock/metal sound.
There was no track listing to go on, but the opening track is likely to be called ‘Back in Line’ after the main vocal hook. The guitars start things off with a chunky rounded sound that has a little bit of Placebo in the drop notes. This introduction is swiftly followed by a metalesque shouty break that instantly gives way to an emotional verse.
The chorus line of ‘Retrace your steps, get back in line’ is a record-selling hook as well as a perfect teen-angst anthem. The standard is still high for the second track, which might be called ‘Let Yourself Go’. A moody intro opens up for more emotional verse lines and another one of those almost-pop chorus lines.
With vocals akin to Stiltskin, great song structures and an honest rock sound with an undercurrent of hooky pop-rock, Cameron have got the potential to release a real cracker if they can produce another 8 or so tracks of this quality.
Cameron Articles
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