Rentokill - Antichorus

Antichorus LP

Rentokill’s Antichorus pulls together 15 tracks of pure angst laid over with some fantastically raw riffs and manic drumming. Perfect punk. But for the novice, there’s little to distinguish each song. What you can decipher from the lyrics, and from titles like ‘political aspect of unpolitical thinking’ and ‘abandoning democracy’, it becomes pretty obvious there’s a well-thought-out direction and political outcry to this album.

‘Primetime Killers’ is a brilliantly catchy pairing of guitars and repetitive drumming. Fantastically danceable it screams at you to move with its rap-like vocals. There’s something incredibly uplifting about these rage-injected missiles, they call songs.

After only a few tracks, the dexterity of the guitar is apparent, flying from angry to melodic and back again time after time. Every song is intense in its passion or pure fun. They may start to blend into each other if punk isn’t really you’re thing but there are a few gems scattered around to keep your attention. They even manage to chuck in a few harmonies.

Listen to Rentokill – ‘Discontent Industry’.

Written by Brayer on

Talena Rose Brayer

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