Century Man
No Substance
Century Man state that their intention is to rapidly grow their following in the UK with their exciting and energetic retro-indie sounds… although they add the condition that their recordings can’t compare to their live show.
‘No Substance’ sets the scene with a mid-tempo retro song that doesn’t quite lift enough after the verse to create a discernible chorus, although the melody makes an effort in this department. The lead guitar starts up a rather nice solo part towards the end of the song that could have perhaps featured a bit more earlier on.
There is more of a distinction between the various parts of ‘Head in Tomorrow’, which is down to the creativity of the drums. After a fairly standard beat during the verse the drums double up for the chorus before dropping right off for some hi-hat and cowbell sections.
‘Stop What You’re Doing’ starts off well with a meaty riff but gets a little distracted by the lead guitar during the verse, although this track does have a better chorus than the previous two songs.
All three songs from Century Man are okay although they lack that final deal-clinching chorus. This an area for work and they also need to work out how they are going to capture that live vibe if they want to sell records.
Written by Fenton on