The Bare Bones
The Bare Bones EP
Nearly a year old, The Bare Bones EP is still packed with potential. A punchy euphoric intro to ‘We’ve Come So Far’ compliments some heavy riffs and chaotic drumming to start things off. Seemingly effortless vocals with high tendencies then appear and run throughout the record, boasting an ability to cover all bases. While it does become a bit poppy at times, this record is just so damn catchy you can’t help but love it.
The melodic ‘She Breathes Easy’ allows the band to show an emotional side, alternating acoustic moments with punchier verses. Their energy doesn’t waver as it progresses, dipping into the use of keyboards for ‘Another Game of Cards’ – a punky track, not far from the likes of the Buzzcocks.
After writing this review, I must confess that I listened to the record a few more times and had to come back and add to my scribbles. It’s one of those albums you find yourself listening to more times than you should probably admit too.
In fact the more you listen to it, the more apparent the last track, ‘And That’s Why You’re Not Singing’, becomes the definitive track of the record. Building up to some great verses with the kind of vocals that give you that funny feeling in your stomach, this emotional and powerful ending proves that this record may be short, but it’s worth every minute.
With the first and last songs being the best, these guys have definitely got the right idea of starting and ending strongly to make sure they create the right impression. In fact, so good an impression that even my mum wants a copy!
Written by Brayer on