Strange Mutant Virus
Is it Bardot? EP
Brimming with old-school indie, Strange Mutant Virus’ EP ‘Is it Bardot?’ isn’t exactly lyrically inspiring but there’s just something about that voice. Almost, yes almost reminiscent of Jarvis Cocker.
With specs of R.E.M in the upbeat drumming, they’ve easily achieved a cheery collection of foot tappable rock tracks. ‘All Grown Up’ is nice and catchy almost sickly sweet, but the drums do provide a fantastic backbone to their youthful sound. Relentless guitars and their soft approach make the basis for some perfect radio tunes.
There’s not much to fault; musically they’re great, but an extra hook would really have set them out from the rest and perfected an already decent collection of tracks.
Written by Brayer on