The World is a Tragic Place… EP
The World is a Tragic Place But There is Grace All Around Us, So Attend to the Grace… Some album title, no? Not only that, my copy of the album comes in a paperback in a paper bag I tell you. Major points to the band and their label, Motivesounds Recordings, for having the guts to try something like this.
They always say don’t judge a book (or a record) by its cover, but decent, innovative packaging goes a long way to helping a band stand out from the crowd, and that’s exactly what’s happened here.
Beginning with the amusingly titled ‘Die, Die Disco Death’ this five-track album (it is an album, the five tracks last just under 36 minutes), this is atmospheric, predominantly instrumental post-rock at its jagged-edged best. Calling to mind bands such as Mogwai, Redjetson and Explosions in the Sky.
The first glimpse of something truly special comes around five minutes into track two ‘F Sharp’ when, having lulled the listener into a false sense of security, things explode in a truly mesmerizing all-out assault on the senses full of bombast, before subsiding just as quickly back into the hypnotic, almost dubby, relaxing state which the listener previously enjoyed. This is controlled musical chaos at its best.
The trends continue on ‘No Time Spoke the Clocks’ and closer ‘Champ’ making this all in all a fantastic introduction to an exciting new entry in the post-rock genre.
Guest article from Haydon S.
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