Three Quarter Smile
Parts Demo
So I sat down, hit the play button on Three Quarter Smile’s demo and my heart sank. Some muddy drums, barely audible and with as much dynamic as a dead fish. This turns out to be merely a precursor to the actual track kicking in at full volume, which tilts me off my chair. A mad panic to find the volume control and a quick re-start later, I’m ready to appreciate the track in all its glory.
‘Parts’ is a scuzzy drum intro followed by a tidy barrage of guitars and bass that has a distinct Brit-emo quality. There are lots of harmonies and a great sense of breaks, with single bars of something quiet thrown in to add variance to the volume.
The bass guitar is an unsung hero of this track, sounding simple but adding a ton of subtle additional notes that make a big difference to the track. The guitars stray away from chords on a regular basis to add chunky notes to the music and the constant changes of rhythm make every transition from verse, build-up, chorus and solo sound great.
The only thing missing from this demo is another 40 minutes of this music.
Written by Smith on