In So Far
Forming in September 2004, it didn’t take In So Far very long at all to get into the studio and bash out three tracks to slam onto their debut single, ‘Drowning’.
Having almost been knocked out of my chair by the sheer ballsy pace of the intro, which gets off the starting line faster than a dope-test failing sprinter, the subsequent gutsy verse and chorus finish the job off. The idea seems to be to musically box your ears before letting up a bit for a spiky verse and then getting back to the ear-boxing with a chorus that has Lost Prophet style vocal harmonies backing up Paul Brigstock’s lead.
‘The Fall’ spends a brief half a minute making its way through a hasty-sounding verse that ends in a powerful chorus. A bit more teasing would do a greater justice to this song; if they could build things up to the point of the chorus and then take things back down and start the build up again the chorus would sound even bigger. That said, it’s possible that they would need to get some kind of licence before they would be allowed to play a song that huge.
The last song, ‘Writing’, takes a stadium-rocker route with an emotional pace and sparkly guitars. The chorus has less evident backing vocals, which adds to the intimacy of the track.
In So Far are a jaw-dropping band, having accelerated from 0 to fixed-penalty notice in just few short months. For a group that capture the essence of something as simple sounding as ‘rock’, they’ve set an enviably high standard with great musicianship and harpoon-sized hooks.
Written by Fenton on