The Composers
A Way of Being Free
The Composers ease you in gently with an upbeat tune in the form of ‘A Way of Being Free’. After the vocals hit some high notes that Justin Hawkins would be in awe of, things are brought swiftly back down to Earth by a collision of drums and guitar.
A fantastic intro and some Morrissey similarities take you to the eighties and back, stopping off with some jazz on the way and exciting you to the level of a small child with an ice cream. It’s hard to quite box these guys within one genre, as they seem to happily walk the line moving from jazz to rock to pop.
With such a good start it came as a bit of a disappointment that the final two tracks failed to deliver on quite the same level. ‘The Vein Jane Blues’ drug related lyrics takes the single on a solemn turn and, just when you think it might pick up speed and personality to surprise you, it fades out on just as melancholic a note as it started.
But not to fear, ‘Evacuate London’ showcases their rock skills, showing off some great gunshot drumming and fantastic guitar work, which manage to keep the vocals on the right side tedious. As it is the song remains in tact and finishes this single off with not quite the same class as they came in on.
Written by Brayer on