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This is a release fuelled by anger, rage, and pain. Yes, Lylyth channel their angst into this commentary on toxic relationships, aptly named ‘Toxicity’.
There is something soulful to the introduction, with the song building towards the rock chorus. There is more composition and subtlety here than in ‘Fight Back’, but it has teeth all the same. The lyrics delve into the depths of the addictive compulsion for people to return to a dysfunctional relationship, as the chorus questions ‘how could poison be my remedy?’
The song has a solid chug, a classic bluesy-rock sound with a smouldering solo, but those flickers of something else keep shining through. This is what makes the song work for me – the other influences that add to the punky rock offering.
It’s early days for Lylyth, with just two singles up on their Bandcamp page, but they’ve already surprised us, which shows their potential!
About Toxicity
Singer, Athena Onyx, provided some insight into ‘Toxicity’ alongside the release:
Music has become a healing tool for me. I hope this song can connect and help people who have also been in abusive and toxic relationships.
I know how hard it is to leave.
They can threaten their own lives and threaten yours. Will promise they will change. Stalk you. Say they will never do what they did again.
Each time it gets worse. When you finally leave there may still be trauma, nightmares, flashbacks, and panic attacks. But you will be free and know it is worth it.
Life has so much more to offer without them. Know it gets better. It never stops hurting but the pain will lessen as you continue on your healing journey.
This song goes out to anyone who has ever been in a situation like that. You are strong af!
Athena Onyx
Watch the lyric video for ‘Toxicity’.
Lylyth Articles
Written by Beck on