Playing With Fire
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Feeder’s second single, ‘Play With Fire’, has landed. If the remaining sixteen songs sound like what we have now, I’ll not complain – but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
It does look like the upcoming Feeder double album is meant to complement (or even complete) Torpedo. What it’s meant to bring is still covered with clouds.
There are hints, though.
Lessons From Music Perfection
The intro takes exactly twenty seconds and is split into two equal parts. The first one features Hirose’s bass exclusively and is joined by the drums exactly ten seconds later, setting the mood for the rest of the song. Grant joins with the opening words in the twenty-first second.
Everything is perfectly timed. The song hits you with something every ten seconds, be it a new tune, a change of pace, or just a reinforcement of the structure.
The perfect combination of big guitar riffs, old-school fuzz pedals, and an epic anthemic chorus all contribute to the music pattern of ‘Playing With Fire’ having banger written all over it.
Compared to the first single, the song is different in all aspects, from how it’s paced to its tone. While ‘Elf’ opens positively, with ‘Playing with Fire’ you sense something different, some weird undertone right from the get-go.
Good Old (Lost or Broken) Love Songs
Are still in. Hands down.
While ‘Elf’ has a clear meaning, ‘Playing With Fire’ isn’t immediately obvious.
We all want to love and be loved and Grant makes this obvious with ‘I’m waiting for love / Praying for love / Calling for love / Stalling for love,’ but also points out the toxicity bad relationships bring – ‘What will it take / What will it take’. In other words, asking how much you can take to think you’re being loved because, when you’re in a toxic relationship, you may start thinking that ‘Now the sky is turning red / UFOs above my head’ and losing your sanity, yourself. Playing with fire takes its toll and getting out isn’t easy because we may be ‘Drowning sorrows / Just to shut the demons out’ with various substances so we could ‘Find a new way out.’
The new album feels like more lessons in good music are about to be given.
It’s super exciting, give us the next single, please!
Watch Feeder – ‘Playing With Fire’.
Feeder – ‘Playing with Fire’ Lyrics
I’m waiting for love, praying for love
Calling for love, stalling for love
What will it take, what will it take
Born for the chase, we’re born for the chasePlaying with fire, playing with fire
Follow me now
Playing with fire, playing with fireNow the sky is turning red
UFOs above my headI’m waiting for love, waiting for love
Praying for love, praying for love
What will it take, what will it take
Follow me now
Playing with fire, playing with fire
Follow me now
Playing with fire, playing with fireNow the sky is turning red, UFOs above my head
(Playing with fire, playing with fire)
It’s been messing with my mind
(Fire, fire, fire)Feel I’m overcome with feelings of despair
(We blame ourselves, we blame ourselves)
Sent to test us just to see if we still care
(We blame ourselves, we blame ourselves)
Drowning sorrows just to shut the demons out
Find a new way outNow the sky is turning red, UFOs above my head
(Playing with fire, playing with fire)
It’s been messing with my mind
(Playing with fire, playing with fire)
Different worlds where we connect
(Follow me now)
All the beauty you reflect, I kept moving on my feet
Now the sky is turning red
(Follow me now)
UFOs above my head
Feeder Articles
Written by Vinklarek on