
Underdog EP

The vocals for ‘Tell Me’, the first track on this demo, show up a Coldplay influence but with more power. At times these emotional vocals also stray to being similar to Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day. However, the emotion doesn’t stop there as the music takes on the intellectual rock style of Muse with an incredible drum beat and heartfelt lyrics.

‘Watching and Waiting’ opens with an awesome riff that makes it instantly more appealing than the first track. Unfortunately it ends up becoming quite repetitive of ‘Tell Me’ at times with too many similarities between the tracks making it difficult for them to stand up well on their own.

That said, Underdog know what their doing, with the appearance of a slower track to close the demo. ‘Against The Waves’ offers something different from Underdog, expressing their mellow and sensitive side. This acoustic, demo finale is certainly from the heart with vocals packed full of sentiment.

Their next offering should be interesting.

Written by Brayer on

Talena Rose Brayer

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