Richie Madisun
The Mag Awards Show Preview
In our mini-series of catch-ups with the bands playing The Mag Awards, we managed to get hold of Richie Madisun to ask a few questions. Richie is going to be playing walk-on music at the awards show this year during the award ceremony.
You have an important surprise involvement in this years show as well as performing for us on the night – are you nervous?
I’m always nervous before any gig, probably more so now that I’m not behind the kit much nowadays. Its not like I can go into my own little world and rock out behind a screen of cymbals, its just Me, a guitar and the audience.. AHHHH! But to be involved in this years Mag Awards is brilliant, I’m really honoured and hopefully I’ll do alright!
How does it feel now you’re in control of your own performances, have you scrapped any old rituals or structures since you started your solo work?
Sort of. We used to sit in the van and say “vocal warm up??” and just scream like mentals or play the sound check game, where we used to pick a really random song while travelling to the gig and that would be our vocal soundcheck. Lee used to do Lisa Stanfield ‘around the world’ and I used to do things like Anastacia. It was all very gay!
I find it really weird not having the other guys with me for the pre-stage build up and when I used to get all the kit set up it gave me a chance to get my bearings on the crowd and suss it out in my head but now I go on with my guitar and that’s it. I sort of brick it everytime!
When you have other guys to bounce off of it makes it a alot easier to have fun and give a good performance, well at least for me.
Will you be performing any new material at The Mag Awards?
I was going to play some new Madisun-esque stuff but because my involvement is a little different from a usual gig I didn’t want to overload the old noggin!
As we all know Original 106fm have partnered with The Mag to put on The Mag awards this year, do you feel this opportunity might open some new doors for you?
I really hope so for me as a solo artist but also for the Madisuns album. Its coming out soon and possibly a tour to go with it and I understand how important radio play is but also I would love to get my solo stuff played more on general stations as opposed to just net ones.
We’re all really looking forward to your performance on the night, do you have any last comments to share with our readers?
Well I was on the list for best solo and best records so I’d like to say a big thank you for anyone who voted for me and continues to support live music, we need to keep rock alive in 2005 + 3. Rock and new born fowl. I’ll have a lager!
Richie Madisun Articles
Written by Fenton on